Seems like everyone is talking about ChatGPT these days. With HubSpot, Salesforce, and Microsoft testing AI functionality to empower people to use their CRM and Marketing Automation Systems, it’s definitely something for businesses to start thinking about. Generative AI has a lot of potential. A system that can compile and organize data and then use natural language chat to perform on demand reporting, list creation, automation workflows, data standardization, development of sales presentations, and more, is a game changer. In theory. But will it happen in real life?
Not for everyone. ChatGPT is only beneficial for your CRM if the data is good. The truth is that data is hard to manage. And most organizations aren’t disciplined enough with proper data standards and cleanliness. After all, the key to ChatGPT is algorithms. And, unfortunately, with that being the case, messy data poses a huge challenge for data analysis and almost guarantees ChatGPT won’t be able to provide accurate, verifiable answers. So, what’s the solution?
Data management. It’s time to finally clean and organize all that floating data. Organizations that are more disciplined and standardize their CRM process are going to reap the benefits. The Hubert Group can help. By performing HubSpot and Salesforce audits then assisting with the clean up of data, we can quickly get you to a place where ChatGPT can become a real tool providing fast and accurate information. It’s not too late. There is still time to harness the power of your data, but the window is getting smaller and businesses that don’t upgrade their data process risk losing out on the enhanced strategies and insights an AI driven chat can generate on the fly. AI-powered tech should be your favorite new digital assistant. It’s all in the data.
Contact us today and let us show you how we can help.